BE Beauties

A full service salon with everything a person needs Services for hair, makeup, and fashion  Rediscover your beauty  Call Now : (330) 748-4900

About BE Beauties

Beauty is an inward feeling that’s displayed in your outward appearance. Beyond Everyday Beauties is the way a person feels opposed to how we can make them look. BE Beauties takes the industry’s definition of beauty and applies it to your beautiful everyday life. We enhance your feelings of beauty so that they spill over into your confidence, your walk, your talk, your being. Remember to always: 

BE active…. 
BE clear…. 
BE encouraged…. 
BE faithful…. 
BE grateful… 

And most importantly from one beauty to another, BE You!!

Give the gift of beauty and relaxation with a Little Black Giftcard from The Salon. Please give us a call today or send us an email for more information.

No registration needed.

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